Ron Ron Column


I had a real Lolita experience only here in the...

This time, I tried Lolita at "Lolita Experience Salon LOCOCO" in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture👗 This is a full-fledged hands-on salon where you can wear lolita clothes and have your...

I had a real Lolita experience only here in the...

This time, I tried Lolita at "Lolita Experience Salon LOCOCO" in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture👗 This is a full-fledged hands-on salon where you can wear lolita clothes and have your...

〜尾州生地 使用〜 ロリィタ服イベント『 尾州ロリィタお茶会』 に行ってきました

~Using Bishu Fabric~ I went to the Lolita cloth...

I participated in an event called "Bishu Lolita's Tea Party" held as part of the 100th Anniversary Citizen Challenge Project. I made a detailed article about the situation!

~Using Bishu Fabric~ I went to the Lolita cloth...

I participated in an event called "Bishu Lolita's Tea Party" held as part of the 100th Anniversary Citizen Challenge Project. I made a detailed article about the situation!