【イベントレポ】Dream Syndrome6に行ってきました♡

[Event Report] I went to Dream Syndrome 6♡

Hello, this is RonRon Staff N☺️

On Sunday, January 14, 2024, I went to "Nagoya Gothic & Lolita Sale Event Dream Syndrome 6" (=Dream Syndrome, commonly known as Dorisin) held in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture!

The venue is Wink Aichi, Small Hall 1 and 2 on the 5th floor.

This time, I didn't have a stall, but participated as a customer♪

When I entered the building, I saw Lolita here and there...😳I was nervous as I headed to the venue.

Please watch the video to see the atmosphere of the venue ♫

Dorisin event report

I enjoyed shopping for about an hour and here are the items I purchased ♡

Dorisin event report

It’s even cuter when they’re all lined up ♡♡ 🥺I will introduce them one by one♡



Dorisin event report

I purchased this attached collar from Eden;. It's an item that completely changes the atmosphere of your clothes just by wearing it, and I get excited just thinking about what kind of Lolita clothes to match it with♡ I bought a set of three, and my favorite is definitely the strawberry pattern♡ 🍓It will take your outfit to the next level, so it is recommended for those who want to stand out from the people around them♫

Dorisin event report

Eden; Designer mikko not only produces and sells collars and headdresses, but also creates costumes for idols! We also have an online shop, so if you like racing, please take a look.

X: https://twitter.com/eden_secret

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eden_secret


🎀Usagiya P

Dorisin event report

I purchased these rabbit ear clips from Usagiya P. It's a convenient and cute item that turns you into a bunny just by wearing it on your hair ♡🐰 I had a hard time deciding because there are so many colors and sizes, but I decided on these pink bunny ears ♡ The rose-like fabric is very stylish ♫ Wear it as is I'm thinking of wearing it as a headdress.

Dorisin event report

Ren from Usagiya P also makes stuffed animals such as rabbits. (Last time we welcomed a pink rabbit♡) No two rabbits are the same, so you might find your very own companion♪

X: https://twitter.com/buchixbuchi_co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ren_hirahara/


🎀Amu Ribbon

Dorisin event report

These earrings were purchased from Amu Ribbon. This is a mermaid motif accessory, and the casual mermaid tail fin is beautiful ✨ The attractive color There were a lot of them, but this time I chose pink as it seems easy to match with Lolita clothes ♡ The combination of pink and gold is very cute ♡

Dorisin event report

Amu Ribbon also operates an online shop. In addition to accessories, there is also a transparent lace ribbon bag ✨ Check it out ♡

X: https://twitter.com/sherry_iA_fiona

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyu_ribbon/


🎀Mr. Chiroru

Dorisin event report

This ribbon clip was purchased from Chiroru. I was thinking, "I want some red hair accessories,'' and this store caught my eye. There were other red ribbon clips, but I was drawn to the strawberry mille-feuille charm and decided to buy it ♫ It would definitely be cute to match with sweets or strawberry motif clothes ♡🍓

Dorisin event report

The theme is “a girl even when she grows up” Chiroru also operates an online shop. There are lots of accessories that are perfect not only for sweet lolita but also for classic lolita ♡

X: https://twitter.com/chiroru_chii16

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiroru_chii16/



Dorisin event report

millna | I purchased this tattoo sticker and instax from millna. It's a shop with a unique, sparkling view of the world, and I honestly bought what I was interested in ♫ The glittering gemstone tattoo stickers can be attached to your finger to look like a ring, or you can attach them to your wrist to give them a glimpse. It's cute, isn't it ♡ It's an item that goes well with gorgeous Classic Lolita and Gothic Lolita ♫

Dorisin event report

millna | millna's works can be purchased at real store as well as online shop. A must-see for those who like pink and sparkles ♡

X: https://twitter.com/mi_te_yo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mi_te_yo/


~Click here for other shops introduced~

◯Mr. Ichiya

Dorisin event report

Dorisin event report

X: https://twitter.com/ichiya_shop

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ichiya_jewelry/



Dorisin event report

Dorisin event report

X: https://twitter.com/reizend_al


How was it?

It was my first time doing Dorisin, but I was happy to be in a space filled with so many cute items ♡

In addition to sweet designs such as sweets and ribbons, there were also gothic items and accessories perfect for Japanese Lolita and Chinese Lolita, so you're sure to find something you like ♡

The next one is scheduled to be held on February 24, 2025, so if you haven't been yet, please come and try it out ♡

The accessories we received this time will be used carefully in future shoots ♫

Thank you very much to all the vendors who helped us shoot the video! 🎀


[Dorisin SNS accounts] 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamsyndrome0/

X: https://twitter.com/dream_syndrome0


Click here for the previous Drishin report▼

Dorisin event report

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