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What is Claroli? Elegant and cute Lolita fashion Characteristics and fashion points of Kurarori

Lolita fashion while changing tastes for each genre, such as sweet lolita and gothic lolita.

Among such Lolita fashions, "Classical Lolita (Kura Lolita)" is one that allows you to enjoy an elegant look with modest decorations. This time, we will introduce the characteristics and fashion points of Kurarori.

Characteristics of clarroli

The biggest feature of Kurarori is the classical atmosphere as its name suggests. Classic means "classical" in Japanese.

Kurarori's clothes are long from knee length to below the knee, and are tailored with a calm atmosphere as a whole.

The colors range from light colors such as beige and pink to deep colors such as brown and burgundy. The range of shades is wide, but it seems that a lot of smoky calm colors are used.

The design retains the cuteness of Lolita fashion, but there are many one-tone and chic designs. There are clothes printed with large patterns and clothes with colorful designs, but they are all unified in classical and antique colors.

The motifs of the clothes are bouquets, crowns, books, keys, etc. Like sweet loli, it has a motif that seems to appear in fairy tales.

Kurarori's fashion point

-Choose luxurious materials

In order to wear Kurarori beautifully, choosing the material of clothes is also an important point. The material varies depending on the clothes, but it is important to choose a material that is as thick as possible, such as tweed or velvet.
We recommend the jacquard fabric, in which the design itself is woven into the fabric. It gives a more luxurious feel and creates an elegant atmosphere.
Many of Kurarori's clothes are originally made of thick fabric, but please be sure to check the thickness when purchasing clothes.

・Accessories should be classy and gorgeous

Lolita fashion often wears rounded shoes, but in the case of clara loli, a little sharp shoes are fine. If you choose a classic color such as beige, brown, or wine red, it will give you a more elegant impression.

As long as the bag matches the atmosphere of your clothes, you can use a natural bag that you normally use. Pair with a small leather bag for an elegant look.

Headwear is not essential, but adding it will make it more complete. For the headwear, if you incorporate old-fashioned items such as hats and headdresses, it will go well with the atmosphere of the clothes.

・ Make-up adds elegance and cuteness

Kurarori, which is characterized by its classic and elegant cuteness, can be worn with natural makeup. However, if you only use face powder, it will look a little lonely, so let's add elegance and cuteness with point makeup. As a basic, we recommend nodding colors such as orange, brown, and rose. When you want to coordinate with a little sweetness, you can also use pink makeup for a cute finish.

Kurarori is an elegant style of Lolita fashion with modest decorations.
Kurarori has a wide range of clothes, from gorgeous clothes to casual princess-like clothes, so even beginners may find it easy to try.
If you're interested in Lolita fashion, but don't have the confidence to wear a gorgeous one-piece dress, why not start with the modest Claroli?

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